[Tex/LaTex] How to move image upwards to fit on slide


I have this example


  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[ball]

\usepackage{mwe} % for blindtext and example-image-a in example



\item Independent gamma priors:
 \pi(c) = \prod\limits_{j=1}^v \pi(c_j), \quad c_j \sim Ga(a_j, b_j), \; j=1,...,v
\item Prior combined with our likelihood gives us updated posteriors:
c_j|\mathbf {x} \sim Ga\Big(a_j+r_j,b_j+\int_0^Tg_j(x(t))\,dt \Big), \; j=1,..,v
\item Simulate our system to get perfect information
\item Graph shows simulated data for 300 reactions of our Micahelis-Menten model
%  \captionof{figure}{Simulated data for 300 reactions\label{fig:boat1}}


And my image just doesn't fit on the slide. I don't want to make my image smaller because then people wont be able to see it.

I have tried text wrapping my image but that doesn't seem to work either.

I have also tried searching for a similar question but I really couldn't find anything that helped.

Best Answer

it seems that your image is to height ... with example image from graphicx package and rewriting your frame i managed to show complete image on slide:

enter image description here


  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[ball]

%\usepackage{mwe} % for blindtext and example-image-a in example


    \begin{itemize}% <--- changed
\item Independent gamma priors:
 \pi(c) = \prod\limits_{j=1}^v \pi(c_j), \quad c_j \sim Ga(a_j, b_j), \; j=1,...,v
\item Prior combined with our likelihood gives us updated posteriors:
c_j|\mathbf {x} \sim Ga\Big(a_j+r_j,b_j+\int_0^Tg_j(x(t))\,dt \Big), \; j=1,..,v

\item Simulate our system to get perfect information
\item Graph shows simulated data for 300 reactions of our Micahelis-Menten model
%  \captionof{figure}{Simulated data for 300 reactions\label{fig:boat1}}
