[Tex/LaTex] How to make this Gantt diagram using pgfgantt






        bar/.append style={fill=red},  % <-- HERE MAKE SOMETHING WITH THE COLOR
    \ganttbar{B}{6}{8} \\
    \ganttbar{A}{1}{5} \\


The output is

Original Gantt

I want something like:

Modified Gantt

In the manual I did not find anything that I specified about diagonal lines in the bars and to reduce the space between different objects, in the diagram. Also I would like to insert text besides the two axis.

Is it possible to achieve it in an easy way?


Best Answer

Just to learn something from the package, I found some useful modifiers in the example section 2.10 Style Examples of the manual; then there is the option of name for \garnttbar, which gives the bar a name, which allows working with the coordinates defined for the shape, such as A.center, A.north, etc. then I defined the styles for the bars through the tikz library patterns, which in my case the default definition, generates errors in some readers like firefox, so I included a code to define a new style of pattern.

RESULT: From MWE. enter image description here

RESULT: title height=1,bar height=1,bar top shift=.0, enter image description here


%Create a new patern for firefox and adobe reader from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/219808/154390
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{north east lines b}{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}{\pgfqpoint{3.4pt}{3.4pt}}{\pgfqpoint{3.4pt}{3.4pt}}%
  %Principal line
  %Complement line north east
  %Complement line south west
    inner sep=0.5pt,
    fill opacity=0.7,
    text opacity=1
        bar/.append style={
            pattern=north east lines b,
            pattern color=red,
        bar incomplete/.append style={
            pattern=north east lines b,
            pattern color=blue,
        y unit title=0.5cm,
        y unit chart=0.5cm,
        title height=1,
        bar height=.5,
        bar top shift=.275,
    \ganttbar[name=B,progress=50]{B}{6}{8} \\
    \ganttbar[name=A]{A}{1}{5} \\
    \node[TextNod] at (A.center){\tiny some text};
    \node[TextNod] at (B.center){\tiny some text};


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