[Tex/LaTex] How to make hexagon diagram from Smart diagram package


I know How to make a smart diagram from Smart Diagram Package, but "How to make hexagon diagram from Smart Diagram package" and

How to change from bubble diagram to be hexagon diagram?

like this :

pentagram diagram from Microsoft Office Word 2013

and I copy-paste code for bubble diagram from Smart Diagram Package document

\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify~/\\ Add,Check

Best Answer

Since you speak from a hexagon I added a sixth element to the list.

I’m using the connected constellation diagram diagram and change the styles for planets and satellites so that they use the regular polygon shape from the shapes.geometric library.

The connection planet satellite style that is applied to the \path with the edge that connects the “satellites” is set up in a way that it draws the trapezoid connection (this could probably be made smarter so that the parallel sides use the side length of one of the hexagons).

For some reason, \smartdiagram only allows the diagram type as its first argument (the one in brackets [ ] (which is not optional)), so I had to give the options beforehand. Usually, this should be grouped (your center environment or a figure environment does this already), I left this group out for this example.


  planet/.append style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=6},
  satellite/.append style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=6},
  every picture/.append style={rotate=30},
  connection planet satellite/.style={
    bend right/.style=,
    every edge/.style={fill=\col},
    to path={
        \path[draw=none, fill=none] (\tikztostart) 
          -- coordinate[at start] (@start@) coordinate[at end] (@target@) (\tikztotarget);
      \ifnum\xi<\maxsmitem % to disable the last arrow
        ($(@start@)!.6cm!90:(@target@)$) -- ($(@target@)!.25cm!-90:(@start@)$)
          -- ($(@target@)!.25cm!90:(@start@)$) -- ($(@start@)!.6cm!-90:(@target@)$)
          -- cycle
\smartdiagram[connected constellation diagram]{
  Build a program,
  Set up,
  and a sixth}


enter image description here