[Tex/LaTex] How to make an arrow bigger and change its color in TikZ


I draw a line with an arrow at the end by \draw[->] .... Now I would like to make the arrow bigger, and change its color to red (without impacting the line). Does anyone know how to do it?

Best Answer

Here is three methods that works:



    decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=4,blue]{>}}},
    shorten >=0.4pt
    (0,1.0) -- (2,1.0);

\draw[draw=red,-triangle 90,fill=blue]  (0,0.5) -- (2,0.5);

\draw[red]  (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw [-to,shorten >=-1pt,gray,ultra thick] (1.99,0) -- (2,0); 


enter image description here

I think the first method presented here is probably the way to go but perhaps more elegant solutions will be presented by other.