[Tex/LaTex] How to make a enumerate list with numbers and given letter


I would like to create a enumerate as following:


Basically, all numbers have a given letter.


Best Answer

Using enumitem you can define the first level list to have label=C\arabic*, which will prepend the C to the counter. for the following lists you can use label*=.\arabic*, which will append .<counter> to the parent list counter.

enter image description here




  \item item
    \item sub item
    \item another sub item
  \item another item
  \item one more item


If you want this to be the global setting of your document, instead of using \begin{enumerate}[label... every time (which can be quite tedious and error-prone), you can use \setlist:





  \item item
    \item sub item
    \item another sub item
  \item another item
  \item one more item


The first \setlist will make C<counter> for first level lists, and the second will append .<counter> to the other levels.