[Tex/LaTex] how to make a cog/gear in LaTeX


I was wondering what would be a good way to make this in LaTeX. Basically, what I want to do with this is use it as a chapter heading. So basically it will be something like this:

cog chapter # Chapter name

What would be the best way to achieve this? Am I better off using the image or making it myself?

Thanks a lot for you time!

EDIT: I have done what the comments have recommended but I am having difficult implementing the gear into the chapter heading using titlesec. Here is the MWE:



% #1 number of teeths
% #2 radius intern
% #3 radius extern
% #4 angle from start to end of the first arc
% #5 angle to decale the second arc from the first 

\foreach \i in {1,...,#1} {%
  [rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1]  (0:#2)  arc (0:#4:#2) {[rounded corners=1.5pt]
             -- (#4+#5:#3)  arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3)} --  (360/#1:#2)


   \draw[thick] \gear{18}{0.5}{0.4}{10}{2};



EDIT 2: With the help of @Qrrbrbirlbel and @StefanKottwitz I have gotten the following:



\draw[ultra thick]
\foreach \i in {1,...,#1} {%
  [rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1]  (0:#2)  arc (0:#4:#2) {[rounded corners=1.5pt]
             -- (#4+#5:#3)  arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3)} --  (360/#1:#2)




But I would like to have the gear look more like this and have the gear behind the chapter number. How can this be done?

Best Answer

Before you can use the box, you need to store your gears within, such as

    \draw[thick] \gear{18}{0.5}{0.4}{10}{2};

chapter heading