[Tex/LaTex] How to keep multiple authblk affiliation in tikzposter in one line


I came across this example that shows how to use affiliations in tikzposter using authblk package.

I would like to do something similar, but having several institutions with relatively short names – I would like to save space on the top of the poster and keep them in one line.

How can that be achieved?

Best Answer

Add the following lines after loading the package authblk.

\usepackage{authblk} % improved author and affiliation design
\renewcommand\maketitle{\AB@maketitle} % revert \maketitle to its old definition
\renewcommand\AB@affilsepx{\quad\protect\Affilfont} % put affiliations into one line
\renewcommand\Affilfont{\Large} % set font for affiliations

enter image description here

\usepackage{authblk} % improved author and affiliation design
\renewcommand\maketitle{\AB@maketitle} % revert \maketitle to its old definition
\renewcommand\AB@affilsepx{\quad\protect\Affilfont} % put affiliations into one line
\renewcommand\Affilfont{\Large} % set font for affiliations


%Set title authors and institute
\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering ULTRA LONG TITLE NO ONE BOTHERS   TO    READ}}
\institute{Alpha University}

\author[1,2]{John Doe}
\author[2]{Jane Doe}
\author[2]{Jennifer Doe}
\author[3,4]{James Doe}
\author[3]{Jenna Smith}
\author[2]{John Smith}
\author[1]{Jennifer Smith}

\affil[1]{Dept. of Alpha Research}
\affil[2]{Beta corporation}
\affil[3]{Gamma university}
\affil[4]{Delta Research group}

  {This is an abstract to fill the MWE.}