[Tex/LaTex] How to join two or more external .tex file using another .tex file and then compile

external filesinput

Suppose I have two tex files file1.tex and file2.tex. I want to join them in another tex file. I have tried to do this with the following one :

Theorem 1.1.1



But this shows error. Is it possible to do so ?

file1.tex is given below :


{\textbf{\huge{Abstract Algebra}}}

 \item Consider a group  $G$. Let $Z(G)$ be its centre. i.e.,$Z(G)=\{g \in G : gh=hg \mbox{~for all~} h \in G\}$. For $n \in \mathbf{N}$, the set of
 positive integers , define $J_n=\{(g_1,\dots,g_n)\in Z(G)\times \dots \times Z(G) : g_1\dots g_n=e\}.$ As a subset of the  direct product group 
$G\times \dots \times G$($n$ times direct product of the group $G$), $J_n$ is 
 \item not necessarily a subgroup.
\item a subgroup but not necessarily a normal subgroup.
\item a normal subgroup.
\item isomorphic to the direct product $Z(G)\times \dots \times Z(G)$($(n-1)$ times).

 \item Let $G$ be a group of order $77$. Then the center of $G$ is isomorphic to
 \item $\mathbf{Z}_{(1)}$
\item $\mathbf{Z}_{(7)}$
\item $\mathbf{Z}_{(11)}$
\item $\mathbf{Z}_{(77)}$



where mks.tex is :


\DeclareMathOperator{\rank }{rank }
\DeclareMathOperator{\trace }{trace }
\DeclareMathOperator{\lcm }{lcm }
\DeclareMathOperator{\nullity }{nullity }  

 and file2.tex is :  



\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section 1.1}


\xymatrix{& S\ar@{-}[ld]\ar@{-}[rd] &\\
\{0,a,b,s\}\ar@{-}[d] & &\{0,c\}\ar@{-}[ldd]\\
\{0,a\}\ar@{-}[rd] & & \\
& \{0\} &
 figure A.1 : chosen subsets of $S$ see book b119

\xymatrix{ h_{C}(C) \ar[r]^{\eta(C)}\ar[d]^{h_C(f)} & T(C)\ar[d]^{T(f)} \\
h_C(X)\ar[r]^{\eta(X)} & T(X) 
 figure B.1 : commutativity of the rectangle

\xymatrix{(h_C,T)\ar[rr]^{\theta= \theta_{C,T}}\ar[d]^{N_*(\alpha)} & & T(C)\ar[d]^{\alpha(C)}\\
(h_C,S)\ar[rr] & & S(C)
 figure B.3 : commutativity of the rectangle

\xymatrix{(h_C,T)\ar[rr]^{\theta_C= \theta_{C,T}}\ar[d]^{N_*(f)} & & T(C)\ar[d]^{T(f)}\\
(h_D,T)\ar[rr]^{\theta_D=\theta{D,T}} & & T(D)
 figure B.4 : commutativity of the rectangle

\xymatrix{h_C(C)\ar[r]^{\eta_{(C)}}\ar[d]^{h_C(f)} & & T(C)\ar[d]^{T(f)}\\
h_C(D)\ar[rr]^{\eta_{(D)}} & & T(D)
 figure B.5 : commutativity of the rectangle

\xymatrix{A(U)\ar[rr]^{h(U)}\ar[d]^{r_{_{V,U}}} & & B(U)\ar[d]^{T_{U,V}}\\
A(V)\ar[rr]^{h(V)} & & B(V)
 figure B.6 : commutativity of the rectangle


Best Answer

I would recommend the standalone package:

enter image description here


  • The geometry package was used to change the paperheight so as to make it easier to show an image here.
  • The color was used to make it easier to see the content fro the different files.
  • The filecontents package was used to package the separate files into one MWE .




        Text from File 1.

    \begin{document}  \color{red}
        Text from file 2.


\chapter{Main File}
Text in main file.