[Tex/LaTex] How to indent verbatim blocks


I have blocks surrounded by \begin{verbatim} and \end{verbatim}. I'd like to indent these about half an inch. I'm using pandoc to write pdfs via XeLaTeX and the default.latex pandoc template, so I'd like not to create a new environment, but to revise the behavior of verbatim in default.latex so that it is indented a little.

Best Answer

The package fancyvrb has the enhanced Verbatim environment, and the key xleftmargin:



\noindent A non-verbatim line
Some verbatim
\noindent Another line

enter image description here

Moreover, you can redefine the standard verbatim like this:



\noindent A non-verbatim line
Some verbatim
\noindent Another line

This gives the same result as above