[Tex/LaTex] How to ignore .latexmkrc


I usually love my .latexmkrc settings. However I am trying to play with Template Toolkit to build a LaTeX file, then compile it with latexmk (all of this inside a perl script) and thus I would like to use the default latexmk settings (i.e. no preview continuously etc).

I would like to keep my .latexmkrc for personal use, therefore I am looking for a way to tell latexmk to ignore my $HOME/.latexmkrc file (via the -r flag?). Is this possible?

Best Answer

A belated answer: A new version of latexmk does what was asked for. This is v. 4.27a at


Just invoke latexmk with the option -norc, and it will omit reading all its standard initialization files (system, user, and current directory). The -r option still works, so you use a customized initialization file.