[Tex/LaTex] How to give floats/figures titles


Below is an excerpt from my thesis, showing a figure with a caption.

I'd like to give the figure a title too, that is, a few words written above the figure.

Can I do that in latex? If so, how?

enter image description here


Best Answer

The {figure} environment isn't limited to contain only figures etc. You can add anything so just type in your title above the figure.


    \textbf{Your title}\par\medskip
    \caption{Your caption}

You can define a new command like \figuretitle to make the formatting and spacing consistent.

    {\centering%   <--------  will only affect the title because of the grouping (by the
    \textbf{#1}%              braces before \centering and behind \medskip). If you remove
    \par\medskip}%            these braces the whole body of a {figure} env will be centered.

Looks the same as above, but can be used as

    \figuretitle{Your title}
    \caption{Your caption}

Or you can use the \caption above the figure. In this case you may use the caption package to adjust the spacing.

caption above




    \caption{Your caption}