[Tex/LaTex] How to get the domain for the line of best fit w/pgfplots to be all real numbers


Although I already worked around this problem by finding the x-intercept with the linear regression equation I calculated w/gnuplot, I'm still curious to know how pgfplots can do it without me manually computing it.



  \begin{axis}[axis on top=false, axis x line=middle, axis y line=middle,xlabel=$\mathrm{\frac{1}{[S]}}$,ylabel=$\mathrm{\frac{1}{\textit{V}_0}}$,
  \addplot table [y={create col/linear regression={}}]
    X        Y
    10000    0.030
    5000     0.02
    2000     0.014
    1000     0.012
    500      0.0110
    200      0.0104
    100      0.0102
    50       0.010
    20       0.01
    10       0.01
    5        0.01
    -4999.85 0
    -9995.35 -0.01  


Best Answer

The linear regression line is only valid for the domain of the given data, and hence by default it is only drawn from the minimum and maximum x in the given data.

If you want to extrapolate for points outside the domain of the data, you can use \pgfplotstableregressiona and \pgfplotstableregressionb to draw the best fit line and specify the desired domain.

enter image description here


     axis on top=false, axis x line=middle, axis y line=middle,
  \addplot table [y={create col/linear regression={}}]
    X        Y
    10000    0.030
    5000     0.02
    2000     0.014
    1000     0.012
    500      0.0110
    200      0.0104
    100      0.0102
    50       0.010
    20       0.01
    10       0.01
    5        0.01
%    -4999.85 0     % Assuming that these were manually entered
%    -9995.35 -0.01  
  \addplot [draw=red,thick,domain=-10000:10000] (x,\slope*x+\yintercept);

I commented out the last two lines that I assume you manually added, and corrected the second \xdef as that is the y-intercept and not the slope.

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