[Tex/LaTex] How to get the \cancel (strikeout) in Plain TeX


I've searched both online and in the TexBook, but can not find a command or package.

Note, I am pretty new to TeX / LaTeX, but am currently trying to figure out how to do things in Plain TeX.

Edit: Thanks for all the answers, but I realized that my question was ambiguous because I used the word "strikeout" which is commonly associated with the horizontal line.
I am actually looking for the diagonal strikeout, like the one here, except for Plain TeX.
How to strike through obliquely, e.g. to indicate cancellation?

Also, I am looking for a solution that works in Math mode.

Best Answer

Package ulem

Timebandit had written a solution with package ulem. The example was given as LaTeX, but the package also works with plain TeX:

\input ulem.sty

\sout{Hello World}



Package soul

Another LaTeX package soul can be used with plain TeX:

\input soul.sty

\st{Hello World}



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