[Tex/LaTex] How to format long and large tables in a thesis

best practicesformattingtables

In my master's thesis I have a lot of tables, large and long;
what's the best practice to fit them ?

It would be fine split the longer table in multiple pages?

what about the larger ones?

any advice will be appreciated


here an example of a large table

\hline HTTP Date & Time zone & Time shift & Timestamp \\
\hline Tue, 02 Jun 2015 20:33:31 GMT & America/Chicago & -6 & June 2nd 2015, 22:19:31.929 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:33:46 GMT & America/Denver & -7 & June 14th 2015, 13:19:07.193 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:34:01 GMT & America/Los\_Angeles & -8 & June 14th 2015, 13:19:21.755 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:33:46 GMT & America/New\_York & -5 & June 14th 2015, 13:19:07.417 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 12:19:18 GMT & America/Phoenix & -7 & June 14th 2015, 14:04:38.980 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:33:59 GMT & America/Toronto & -5 & June 14th 2015, 13:19:19.881 \\
\hline Fri, 12 Jun 2015 05:53:03 GMT & Asia/Shanghai & 8 & June 12th 2015, 07:38:31.238 \\
\hline Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:33:56 GMT & Europe/Amsterdam & 1 & June 14th 2015, 13:19:17.290 \\

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use the ltablex package, which loads both tabularx and longtable. What makes the table a little too wide is the head of the 3th column, which I circumvent with a \makebox[0pt] command.

\usepackage{booktabs, ltablex}
\sisetup{table-format=-2.0, table-number-alignment=center}



\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{\,}X@{\enspace}l r SX@{\enspace}l@{\,}}
  \multicolumn{2}{c}{HTTP Date}
  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Time zone}
  & {\makebox[0pt]{Time shift}}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Timestamp} \\
  Tue, 02 Jun 2015, & 20:33:31 GMT
    & America/Chicago & -6 & June 2nd 2015, & 22:19:31.92 \\
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 11:33:46 GMT
    & America/Denver & -7 & June 14th 2015, & 13:19:07.193 \\
  % \hline
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 11:34:01 GMT
    & America/Los\_Angeles & -8 & June 14th 2015, & 13:19:21.755 \\
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 11:33:46 GMT
    & America/New\_York & -5 & June 14th 2015, & 13:19:07.417 \\
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 12:19:18 GMT
    & America/Phoenix & -7 & June 14th 2015, & 14:04:38.980 \\
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 11:33:59 GMT
    & America/Toronto & -5 & June 14th 2015, & 13:19:19.881 \\
  % \hline
  Fri, 12 Jun 2015, & 05:53:03 GMT
    & Asia/Shanghai & 8 & June 12th 2015, & 07:38:31.238 \\
  Sun, 14 Jun 2015, & 11:33:56 GMT
    & Europe/Amsterdam & 1 & June 14th 2015, & 13:19:17.290 \\


enter image description here

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