[Tex/LaTex] How to fix the position of (0, 0) to (current page.south west) for every tikz picture


I need to draw severals tikz picture of varying size.
Each picture is on a separate page.
The coordinate system should be fixed, though.
Whenever I do

\node at (0, 0) {hello};

'hello' should be on the page bottom left corner (current page.south west).

So the coordinate system in tikz should look like this

|          (page width, page height)|  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|                                   |  
|(0, 0)                             |  


% the node with 'two' is way below the node with 'one'





\node at (0, 0) {one};





\node at (0, 0) {two};



(in the screenshot color are inverted, normally the background is white)

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can shift the origin point of a tikzpicture by adding the option shift, like this:


In this case for example, I shift the origin to 5,0. In your case, you'd have to write \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, shift={(current page.south west)}], but keep in mind that your node will actually be there at the corner of the page.

You can of course use anchors, so adding \node[anchor=south west] ... will pin the node at the bottom left corner.


enter image description here



\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, shift={(current page.south west)}]
    \node at (0,0) {one};


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, shift={(current page.south west)}]
    \node at (0,0) {two};