[Tex/LaTex] How to fill area bounded by two curves using tikzpicture


I would like to ask a question on how to shaded the area between two curves.

First of all the following is the code

\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
        axis x line=middle,    % put the x axis in the middle
        axis y line=middle,    % put the y axis in the middle
        axis line style={<->}, % arrows on the axis
        xlabel={$x$},          % default put x on x-axis
        ylabel={$y=\sqrt{-x+1}$},          % default put y on y-axis
    % arrows as stealth fighters
        \plot[name path=A, thick,samples=100,domain=-4:1] {sqrt(-1*x+1)};
        \plot[name path=B,thick,samples=100,domain=-4:1] {2};
        \addplot[fill=gray,opacity=.4,domain=0:1,samples=50] {sqrt(-1*x+1)}\closedcycle;
        %\addplot[fill=gray, domain=-3:0,opacity=0.4] fill between[of=A and B];
        \addplot+[mark=none,fill=gray,draw=black,domain=-3:0,opacity=0.4] {max(2-sqrt(-x+1),sqrt(-x+1))} \closedcycle;
        \node [below] at (axis cs: 0.2,0) {$O$};
        \draw[thick,dashed,brown] (axis cs:-3,0) -- (axis cs:-3,2);
        \node [below] at (axis cs: -3,0) {$-3$};
        \node [below] at (axis cs: 1,0) {$1$};

So the above code generated the following plot.
I actually want the shaded area to be between the horizontal line(y=2) and the curve(y=\sqrt{-x+1}) on x=[-3,0], whereas it is just shading the area under the curve and the x-axis.

How do you achieve this?


Best Answer

enter image description here

\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
        axis x line=middle,    % put the x axis in the middle
        axis y line=middle,    % put the y axis in the middle
        axis line style={<->}, % arrows on the axis
        xlabel={$x$},          % default put x on x-axis
        ylabel={$y=\sqrt{-x+1}$},          % default put y on y-axis
    % arrows as stealth fighters
        \plot[name path=A, thick,samples=100,domain=-4:1] {sqrt(-1*x+1)};
        \plot[name path=B,thick,samples=100,domain=-4:1] {2};
        \addplot[fill=gray,opacity=0.4] fill between[of=A and B,split,soft clip={domain=-3:0},every segment no 0/.style={white},];
        \node [below] at (axis cs: 0.2,0) {$O$};
        \draw[thick,dashed,brown] (axis cs:-3,0) -- (axis cs:-3,2);
        \node [below] at (axis cs: -3,0) {$-3$};
        \node [below] at (axis cs: 1,0) {$1$};
        \node [above right] at (axis cs: 0,2) {$2$};

To fill an area between curves, we could style the regions individually using every segment no and apply a soft clip if necessary as in your case [-3,0].

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