[Tex/LaTex] How to extend the \lstinputlisting command


With the answer from autogobble for lstinputlistings
I've managed to create a command that gobbles \lstinputlisting and makes firstnumber to start by firstline. I would like to rewrite it as a package, so it hooks into \lstinputlisting, but as the code might reflect I have very little experience with programming in LaTeX.

My goal is to be able to write


where the dots are possible extra regular listings options.

or what could be even more nice:


where LaTeX automatically counted the number of tabs like in How to automatically skip leading white spaces in listings



% The width of a single space. basicstyle from lstset should be used
\sbox0{\Huge\ttfamily \ }
%#1 is number of tabs, could be calculated like in listings-autogobble with autogobble=true or be an extra option
%#2 is tabsize, which is set in lstset
%#3 is firstline from lstset
%#4 is lastline from lstset
%#5 is the filename, the only thing which should be an argument and not an option.

% Remove a single space
% Reindent a bit by multiplying with 0.9, then multiply by tabsize and number of indentation levels
% Check if firstline is defined
\ifthenelse{\isempty{#3} \OR \equal{#3}{0}}{%
% Check if lastline is defined


I just modified the code from cyberSingularity a bit to use lst@basicstyle and lst@tabsize.

It should work with any:

  • font size in document class
  • font size in basicstyle
  • tabsize

Limitations (Would be very pleased if someone could address these limitations):

  • It needs columns=flexible and basicstyle=\ttfamily.
  • If tabsize or basicstyle is passed as options to \lstinputlisting, they must be written before widthgobble.
  • If using XeLaTeX, the commands must be loaded before Polyglossia, othwerwise all text will be formatted with \ttfamily
  • \documentclass[10pt]{article}

    if (a<b){
       if (b<a){
    % The width of a single space.
    \settowidth{\singlespace}{\lst@basicstyle \ }
        \setlength{\gobble}{0.9\singlespace}% reindent a bit
        \setlength{\gobble}{\lst@tabsize\gobble}% multiply by tabsize
        \setlength{\gobble}{#1\gobble}% multiply by number of tabs
        \def\lst@xleftmargin{\gobble}% move left margin left
        \def\lst@framexleftmargin{\gobble}% move left frameborder left
        \def\lst@numbersep{\numbersep}% distance between numbers and left frameborder
    %widthgobble=#tabs,firstlineandnumber sets firstline and firstnumber

    Best Answer

    Are you after something like this? I have provided new keys:

    • widthgobble, which takes as an argument #tabs*#tabsize
    • firstlineandnumber, which sets both firstline and firstnumber

    Note that I had some trouble using the * syntax for setting the length of \gobble so have implemented an ugly workaround (which currently means that the argument to widthgobble should always have two numbers separated by an asterisk):

    if (a<b){
        if (b<a){
            //do something
    % The width of a single space. basicstyle from lstset should be used
    \sbox0{\Huge\ttfamily \ }
    % Remove a single space
    \settowidth{\rawgobble}{\Huge\ttfamily \ }
        % Reindent a bit by multiplying with 0.9, then multiply by tabsize and number of indentation levels
        \sepstar #1\relax
    %widthgobble=#tabs*#tabsize,firstlineandnumber sets firstline and firstnumber
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