I wrote a table by longtable. It works correctly but I would like to improve the layout of the width a column.
In the figure below you can see the result:
As you can see, the last colums is very close to the page header, so I want to reduce the width of the column B (it has too much space that it does not need).
I tried to modify the width of columns B and C (column C is too far from column B) but the result does not change.
Can you help me?
I post also my code:
\caption{Table name.......................}
\label{tab:Summary} \\
\textbf{AAAAAA} &\textbf{BBBBB} &\textbf{CCCCC} &\textbf{DDDDD DDDDDD} & \textbf{EEEE EEEEEEE} & \textbf{IFFFF ffff} &\textbf{EEEEEEEEE}\\
% intestazione normale
continued from previous page} \\
\textbf{AAAAAA} &\textbf{BBBBB} &\textbf{CCCCC} &\textbf{DDDDD DDDDDD} & \textbf{EEEE EEEEEEE} & \textbf{IFFFF ffff} &\textbf{EEEEEEEEE}\\
Continued on next page} \\
% piede finale
It ends from the previous page.} \\
% corpo della tabella
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
AAAAAA al. & AAAAAA & BBBBBBB & description description description description & description description description description description & bbbbbbb & aaaaaa and bbbbb\\
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Best Answer
for single-line entries it's more natural to use
and let the table find the natural width of the content, also you need to allow the note in the foot to span more columns. Alsolandscape
is an environment.