[Tex/LaTex] How to enumerate the items in beamer table of contents

beamertable of contents

I'm inserting a \tableofcontents slide in my beamer presentation. The trouble is that I have everything in itemize environment throughout my presentation. (Gives a better view to the audience.) The Table of Contents, however appears without the itemization/enumeration. Can the entries in tableofcontents be itemized? I can't find an option in beamer manual or online to this effect.

Here's my current table of contents:


p.s. I'm also using the \AtBeginSection overlays so those have to change as well.

Best Answer

Adapted from the beamer user guide, section 10.5:

enter image description here enter image description here

\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[subsections numbered]
%\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[ball unnumbered]
%\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[ball unnumbered]
Some content
Some content
Some content
Some content