[Tex/LaTex] How to draw commutative diagrams in Tikz


One of my friends can draw simple commutative diagrams in TikZ but he cannot draw this one:

enter image description here

I am not an expert in TikZ so I was wondering if someone could help with drawing this one in TikZ.

Best Answer

A solution with names like with a matrix but without matrix. It's more easy to scale the result. I use the scope library to draw the edges.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows ,scopes}



\path node   (m11) at (0,0) {$N_1$}         (-1,0) node[anchor=east] {$e_1$ \ :}       
      node   (m12) at (3,0) {$G_1$}         
      node   (m13) at (5,0) {$Q_1$}
      node   (m21) at (0,1) {$N_1\times A$} (-1,1) node[anchor=east] {$e_1\times A$ \ :}  
      node   (m22) at (3,1) {$G_1\times A$} 
      node   (m23) at (5,1) {$Q_1$} 
      node   (m31) at (0,2) {$\displaystyle\frac{ N_1\times A}{\alpha A}$} 
                      (-1,2)  node[anchor=east]{$nat'(e_1\times A)=
                                 \displaystyle\frac{ e_1\times A}{\alpha N_1}$ \ :}        
      node   (m32) at (3,2) {$\displaystyle\frac{ G_1\times A}{\beta\lambda N_1}$} 
      node   (m33) at (5,2) {$Q_1$} 
      node   (m41) at (0,3) {$N_1\times A$} (-1,3) node[anchor=east] {$e_1\times A$ \ :}           
      node   (m42) at (3,3) {$G_1\times A$} 
      node   (m43) at (5,3) {$Q_1$} 
      node   (m51) at (0,4) {$N_1\times N_2$} (-1,4) node[anchor=east] {$\tilde{e}$ \ :} 
      node   (m52) at (3,4) {$\tilde{G}$} 
      node   (m53) at (5,4) {$Q$} 
      node   (m61) at (0,5) {$N_2$} (-1,5) node[anchor=east] {$e_2$ \ :}           
      node   (m62) at (3,5) {$G_2$}         
      node   (m63) at (5,5) {$Q_2$} ;
     { [ thick]
      \draw[>->]   (m61) -- node[above]{$\kappa_2$}      (m62); 
      \draw[->>]   (m62) -- node[above]{$\pi_2$}    (m63);
      \draw[>->]   (m51) -- node[above]{$\lambda$}  (m52);  
      \draw[>->>]  (m52) -- node[above]{$\beta$}    (m53);    
      \draw[->>]   (m42) -- (m43);  
      \draw[>->]   (m31) -- (m32); 
      \draw[->>]   (m32) -- (m33);
      \draw[->>]   (m22) -- (m23);
      \draw[>->]   (m11) -- node[above]{$\kappa_1$}      (m12); 
      \draw[->>]   (m12) -- node[above]{$n_1$}      (m13);

      {[>->,shorten >=.5cm]
      \draw        (m41) -- (m42); 
      \draw        (m21) -- (m22); 

      \draw   (m51) -- node[right]{$\sigma_2$} (m61); 
      \draw   (m52) -- node[right]{$\tau_2$}   (m62);
      \draw   (m21) -- node[right]{nat'}       (m31); 
      \draw   (m22) -- node[right]{nat}        (m32);  
      \draw   (m41) -- node[right]{nat'}       (m31); 
      \draw   (m42) -- node[right]{nat}        (m32);
      \draw[->]    (m11) -- node[right]{$\mu'$}     (m21);  
      \draw[->]    (m12) -- node[right]{$\mu$}      (m22);  
      \draw[>->>]  (m53) -- node[right]{$\gamma_2$} (m63);  
      \draw[>->>]  (m53) -- node[right]{$\gamma_1$} (m43); 
      \draw[>->]   (m51) -- node[right]{$\alpha$}   (m41); 
      \draw[>->]   (m52) -- node[right]{$\beta$}    (m42);  
       \draw   (m51) to [out=-140,in= 140]      (m31);
       \draw   (m52) to [out=-140,in= 140]      (m32);
       \draw  (m11) to [out= 140,in=-140]      (m31); 
       \draw  (m12) to [out= 140,in=-140]      (m32);} 
       \draw[double]  (m43)--(m33)--(m23)--(m13);

enter image description here

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