[Tex/LaTex] How to draw an arrow pointing the middle of another arrow using tikz


I need to draw the red arrow in the figure but I'm not able to.

enter image description here

Here's my code

\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning}
\author{Antonio Santoro}
\begin{tikzpicture}[ball/.style={ellipse, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1.5cm, draw},>=latex]

\node[ball] (classeA) {classe A};
\node[ball, right=2.5cm of classeA] (classeB) {classe B};
\node[ball, above right=2cm of classeA] (loaderL) {loader L};
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm,minimum height=1cm, right=4cm of loaderL] (bytecode) {bytecode};

\draw[-] (bytecode) -- node[above] {caricamento} (loaderL);
\draw[->] (loaderL) -- (classeB);
\draw[->] (loaderL) -- (classeA);
\draw[->] (classeA) -- node[above] {intercetta} (loaderL-classeB);



but it gives me errors.

Best Answer

Maybe not the most smart solution, but you can add an empty node to the path between loader L and classe B and then draw the arrow to that node:

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning}
\author{Antonio Santoro}

\begin{tikzpicture}[ball/.style={ellipse, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1.5cm, draw},>=latex]

\node[ball] (classeA) {classe A};
\node[ball, right=2.5cm of classeA] (classeB) {classe B};
\node[ball, above right=2cm of classeA] (loaderL) {loader L};
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm,minimum height=1cm, right=4cm of loaderL] (bytecode) {bytecode};

\draw[-] (bytecode) -- node[above] {caricamento} (loaderL);
\draw[->] (loaderL) -- node [midway](LtoB){} (classeB);
\draw[->] (loaderL) -- (classeA);
\draw[->] (classeA) -- node [above,sloped] {intercetta} (LtoB);

