[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a fish


I would like to draw an image like the following.

enter image description here

This is what I've done so far (I used tikz, but any other package is welcome):


        \draw[fill=blue] (.5,0) rectangle (4,2);
        \draw[fill=red] (1,1) to[bend left=50] (3,1) to[bend left=50] (1,1);
        \draw[fill=red] (3,1) -- (3.5,1.5) -- (3.3,1) -- (3.5,.5) -- cycle;
        \draw[fill=white] (1.6,1.1) circle (.15cm); 
        \draw[fill=blue] (1.55,1.1) circle (.05cm);         

enter image description here

Edit: April 2nd, Time for explanation

In Italy (but I also think in other countries), a practical joke done on April 1st is called "pesce d'Aprile" (= April's fish, that is an April Fools' Day prank) and is often related to fishes.

The usual one is to stick a drawing of a fish on someone's back without he/she realizes it.

Some years ago a colleague of mine stuck some "pesci d'Aprile" with written below "sono disponibile" (= I'm easy) on the rear of all the cars in our company car parking. Some other colleagues didn't realize it, and they had gone around with that drawing for days.

Another funny example happened in Milan on April, 1st 1985. Someone put on the windshield of a lot of cars a false fine for illegal parking. On the fine sheet was written "per il pagamento rivolgersi agli uffici comunali di via Gadio, 2" (= for payment, please contact the municipal offices in via Gadio, 2), the address of the Civic Aquarium.

Hence, this question was simply a way to put

enter image description here

P.S. = Since I earned a lot of reputation points with this trick question, I decided to give them back to the Community awarding a bounty to the two answers posted on April, 1st.

Moreover, I accepted Robert's one since he guessed without spoiling, and I thank the other two answerers.

To the downvoters: you're probably technically right, but:

  • there's already too much sadness in the world, let's laugh now and then!
  • humor is part of the LaTeX philosophy, Prof. Knuth himself docet
  • if only serious questions are accepted, why did they create a fun tag?

Best Answer

A couple of hours late:

\def\chihapaura#1#2?{\color{\ifcase#1red\or yellow\or blue\fi}%
  \put(46,18) {\chihapaura112?E}
  \put(38,15) {\chihapaura020?C}
  \put(29,5)  {\chihapaura121?\scalebox1[2.5]{S}}
  \put(0,0)   {\chihapaura0100?$\epsilon$}
  \put(7,20)  {\chihapaura230?\rotatebox{-24}{p}}
