[Tex/LaTex] How to download an Overleaf template


Scientific Reports now links to a template on Overleaf.

I don't feel too well about uploading the sourcecode of my paper to some website I hadn't heard about before. That's why I tried to simply use the source of the template. The problem is I could not compile it myself since I do not have the classfile wlscirep.cls. Where can I get it?

Additionally, this answer to Latex template for Scientific Reports (Nature) seems to be still valid. Should I ignore the Overleaf template and simply use revtex like before?

Best Answer

It's very easy, you open the document ("Open as template"), and click on "Project". Then you can either "Download as zip" or just open the file "wlscirep.cls" directly online to view in the Overleaf editor.

I would use the template from Overleaf (either downloaded or online), that way you should always get the current requirements.

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