[Tex/LaTex] How to decrease the vertical spacing between formula and text in beamer


Too much spacing between formula and text in beamer. When I insert the command \vspace{-0.5cm} before the formula, the spacing decreases. But the command \vspace{-0.5cm} after the formula has no effect on the spacing between the formula and the text after it. How to solve it?

Best Answer

You can influence the spacing with \abovedisplayshortskip and \belowdisplayshortskip. However the default spacing above the equations is already pretty tight, I would not decrease it further.



text above 
    \int_a^b f(x)\,dx= f(\xi)(b-a).
Text after

text above 
    \int_a^b f(x)\,dx= f(\xi)(b-a).
Text after
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