[Tex/LaTex] How to customize Table of contents in thesis


I need help in formatting thesis. I m using isuthesis class. My university guidelines doesnt match with isuthesis TABLE OF CONTENTS STYLE

ACCORDING TO UNIVERSITY, The format for typing TABLE OF CONTENTS,LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES,ABBREVATION and NOTATION etc. are explained through the following illustrative examples.

enter image description here

LIST OF TABLES shown below

enter image description here

LIST OF TABLES shown below

enter image description here

ABBREVATION and NOTATION are shown below

enter image description here

Best Answer

First some general remarks:

  • Check once again, e.g. by looking at old theses in the library, how the specification is really meant. Some notes on the pages that you show us look to me rather as meta-comments. E.g., the subtitle (List in the alphabetical order) (apart from not sounding like proper English) doesn't make sense if included literally (an alphabetically sorted list is easily recognized as being sorted) but makes sense if interpreted as an instruction to the author of the thesis. Likewise, a label Page No. above the list of page numbers (in a table of contents) is stating the obvious and is redundant; my guess is that it is rather a comment addressing the prospective author of the thesis.

  • Ask your fellow-students, the officers in the dean's office or in the administration for a ready-made LaTeX-template for theses. It doesn't make much sense if each student starts anew to compose such a template, which is non-trivial for a novice.

  • Finally, it is not a good idea to pick a rather arbitrary class from another university and then to try to tweak it to the requirements of your university. Such thesis classes are often quite messy or just special (ucithesis.cls is no exception); adapting them to your requirements is more cumbersome than to start from a standard class. Below I chose book.cls as a starting point, because it offers some features useful for larger documents.

Here is the table of contents produced by the code below it. I'm sure you will have some more requirements; my hope is that the code below is a suitable starting point. Ask on this site if you need further help.

enter image description here


\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
\addtocontents{toc}{{\bfseries Contents\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lot}{{\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lof}{{\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}

\renewcommand\cftchapaftersnum{. }

 {{\parindent \z@ \centering
    \Large \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 20\p@












\section{General Background}

\subsection{Objective 1}
\subsection{Objective 2}
\subsection{Objective 3}
