[Tex/LaTex] How to create alternating rows in a table


Sometimes you can see in books tables, that have alternating background color for rows in a table to support readability. How I can achieve this with LaTeX?

And yes, I could put macros \odd and \even into each row, but in that case I would have to change all following rows, if I input later another row into the table. I want TeX to decide itself, which row is odd or even and put the appropiate style into it.

Best Answer

You can use the features of the colortbl package with additions of xcolor. See code below for a small example.

\usepackage[table]{xcolor}    % loads also »colortbl«

    Table head & Table head\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\

enter image description here

The particular package manuals have the details.

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