[Tex/LaTex] How to control the vertical space below a double-underline


I use an edited version of the \\uline command from the ulem package to get a nice compact double underline to denote tensor variables. The used code comes from this question. My problem is that the macro leaves a very large space below any line with a tensor. I would like this vertical space to be the same as for a simply underlined letter, or even the same as for a standard letter without underlines. How would I do that?

Full example:

        \hrule width.2em%
        \kern 0.6pt % distance between the two underlines
\setlength{\ULdepth}{1pt}  % distance from double underline to letter

This is some text with $\mat A$ in it. The problem is that the next line of
text leaves a very big vertical space. The same problem occurs in displayed

A & = B \\
\mat A & = \mat B \\
A & = B


Best Answer

You can \smash the underline, i.e., set the height and the depth of the box around the underlined letter to 0.




enter image description here

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