[Tex/LaTex] How to compute xslant and yslant


There must be an easy way to compute the required values of xslant and yslant to obtain the text in the "correct plane". Below I have guessed at then, but that is a very tedious process. The desired results should be that the following lines should not have any magic numbers:

\tikzset{yz slant style/.style={red,    yslant=-0.5,  xslant=-0.1}}
\tikzset{xy slant style/.style={blue,   yslant=-0.25, xslant=1   }}
\tikzset{xz slant style/.style={orange, yslant=1,     xslant=0.05}}

and instead should be based on the values of \xc,\xs,\yc, and \ys (or \elevation and \anglerot). My guessed value produce something which I think are close:

enter image description here


  • I realize that this is more of a math question, but without fully understanding how tikz/pgf works I don't know how to compute them.
  • The preamble code is from 3D Arrow Tips for TikZ/pgfplots.




%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/51388/4301


%% How do I compute these:
\tikzset{yz slant style/.style={red, yslant=-0.5, xslant=-0.1}}
\tikzset{xy slant style/.style={blue, yslant=-0.25, xslant=1}}
\tikzset{xz slant style/.style={orange, yslant=1, xslant=0.05}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[x = {(\axexthreed)},
                    y = {(\axeythreed)},
                    z = {(\axezthreed)},

    \draw[black, ultra thick,-latex] (-1,0,0) -- (\CoordX,0,0) node[black,left=6pt]  {$x$}; 
    \draw[black, ultra thick,-latex] (0,-1,0) -- (0,\CoordY,0) node[black,right=6pt] {$y$}; 
    \draw[black, ultra thick,-latex] (0,0,-1) -- (0,0,\CoordZ) node[black,above=6pt] {$z$};       

    \foreach \x in {1,...,\CoordX} {
        \draw [thin, draw=gray] (\x,\CoordY,0) -- (\x,0,0)
            node [left, yz slant style] at ($(\x,0,0)+(-0.2,0,0)$) {\x};
    \foreach \x in {1,...,\CoordY} {
        \draw [thin, draw=gray] (\CoordX,\x,0) -- (0,\x,0)
            node [right, xy slant style] at ($(0,\x,0)+(-0.4,-0.3,0)$) {\x};
    \foreach \x in {1,...,\CoordZ} {
        \draw [thin, draw=gray] (\CoordX,0,\x) -- (0,0,\x)
            node [right, xz slant style] at ($(0,0,\x)+(0,-0.0,-0.2)$) {\x};



Best Answer

Okay, yslant to spin vertical letters, rotate and xslant to lay letters flat, xscale and yscale for forehortening.

\tikzset{yz slant style/.style={red, yslant=-tan(\elevation), xscale=cos(\elevation)}}
\tikzset{xy slant style/.style={blue, xslant=-tan(\elevation+\anglerot), rotate=-\elevation, yscale=cos(\anglerot)}}
\tikzset{xz slant style/.style={orange, yslant=-cot(\anglerot), xscale=sin(-\anglerot)}}


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