[Tex/LaTex] How to check if a font exists in XeLaTeX


Is there a way to check if a font exists in XeLaTeX? I am aware of Check for missing fonts/characters in XeLaTeX?, but sadly the one answer only refers to the log. I am interested for a test via code.


I am trying to define a command that checks a series of fonts and uses the first one that it finds (similar to the CSS properties)

 p{font-family:"Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif;}

I intend to use pgf keys and here is a MWE example.

 % Generic defaults
   \setmainfont{Times New Roman}
   \setsansfont{Minion Pro}
% keys
\pgfkeys{/fonts/.is family}
  font-name/.store in =\fontname@cx,
   font-name=Times New Roman,

  % code to be added here for iterating through list etc..
  \setsansfont{Minion Pro}

Ultimately the key

font-family={Times New Roman, Some Other Font, Another Font, serif}

should iterate via all the font names. if none is found the serif value will trigger the default \rmfamily. I can code the iteration etc, but I am stuck on the test.

Best Answer

Does this help (take from XeTeX mailing list):

 \def\myfont{"Persian Modern"}% first preferred font
  \def\myfallback{"XB Zar"} % if first font not avaliable
  \font\bodyfont=\myfont\space at 10pt
    \font\bodyfont = \myfallback\space at 10pt
      \errmessage{no suitable font found}
This is a test.
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