[Tex/LaTex] How to change the numbering style in list of table and list of figures

table of contents

I am writing a thesis and I want to change the numbering style in list of table and list of figures from "1.1 to Fig 1.1" and from "1.1 to Table 1.1" as shown below.

List of Figures

Fig. 1,1: This is figure vvvvv

Fig. 2,1: This is figure blah blah
Fig. 3,1: This is figure blah blah

List of Tables

Table 1,1: This is figure blah blah
Table 1,3: This is figure blah blah
Table 4,1: This is figure blah blah

Best Answer

Your question is confusing. For instance you say you want to change numbering in the LoF from "1.1" to "Fig 1.1" but later you show your expected result as "Fig. 1,1:". You don't say what class you are using but assuming it might be report (or any other reasonable class for a thesis) then you can use the tocloft package like below to change the figure numbering from "1.1" etc. to "Fig 1.1:" etc.

% for figures
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Fig. } % put before the number
\renewcommand{\cftfigaftersnum}{: }  % put after the number
% adjust spacing
% and similarly for tables

Read the tocloft manual (> texdoc tocloft) for details of what the above \cft... macros do.

Changing the figure/table numbering from "1.1" to "1,1" as in your example is a completely different question, as is your exampled desire not to have unnecessary line breaks between the LoF/LoT entries.

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