[Tex/LaTex] How to change the color of an enumerate number in Beamer


As seen in How do I change the color of itemize bullet? specific and default, it is easy to change the color of an itemize item bullet like this:




  \item First item
  \item[\textcolor{blue}{\textbullet}] Second item
  \item Last item


How can I do the equivalent for an enumerate environment? Is there something like \textbullet that gives me the complete label for the current item? (ideally the label itself, formatted as per the label environment option, if given, although the I could work with the raw item number otherwise). I have tried \labelenumi and \theenumi (without understanding very well what these are exactly) and it did not work.


The document I am working is a Beamer presentation. I did not mention it initially because I did not think it was relevant to the question, but indeed the nice answers provided by Bernard and user94293, while absolutely correct for article, do not work in my presentation.

Best Answer



  \item First item
      \setbeamercolor{enumerate item}{fg=green}
      \item Second item
  \item Last item

Or much easier using the alert feature of beamer:



  \item First item
  \item<alert@+-> Second item
  \item Last item
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