[Tex/LaTex] How to change the aspect ratio in beamer without passing the aspectratio option


I started to create a custom theme for beamer slides, and I want to change the default aspect ratio for this theme. Of course I can use \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} in every document, but I'd like to keep everything in *.sty files. In beamer.cls I found definitions of \beamer@paperwidth and \beamer@paperheight, but setting these lengths in bemerthemeMYTHEME.sty as follows has no effect on the result.


What would be a proper way to change the default aspect ratio in *.sty? Shell I use beamerouterthemeMYTHEME.sty or bemerthemeMYTHEME.sty for this?

Best Answer

A wrapper class beamer16x9.cls can be easily written:


Then starting a document with


is equivalent to saying


The beamer16x9.cls file should be in one of the canonical places where TeX engines look for input.