[Tex/LaTex] How to change header font size of IEEEtran document class


Currently, I am working on my research paper using IEEEtran document class. My institution provides a paper template in Word version. It uses IEEEtran document style but with some modifications. One of those is the header font size. The header font size should be on 10pt. The default of IEEEtran document class has a smaller size than my institution provided paper template. So, my question, how to change header font size of IEEEtran document class?

Thank you.

note: the header contains journal name, volume, and also page number.

Best Answer

Class IEEEtran defines and uses macros \@IEEEheaderstyle and \@IEEEfooterstyle for the font setup of headers and footers. The definitions depend on the option settings, from IEEEtran.cls:

% set up the running headers and footers
% header and footer font and size specifications
% compsoc uses sans-serif headers and footers

The macros can be redefined to use a larger font than \scriptsize, e.g.:
