[Tex/LaTex] How to center text in a ellipse and to draw circle nodes


I have spend much time on this figure too and I have tried different types of tikz, pstricks and multido use packages. I would like to create a figure, which look like this:

enter image description here

I have wrote following:

\draw (10,0) ellipse (1.7cm and 0.9cm);
\draw (5,0) ellipse (1.7cm and 0.9cm);
\draw (2,-3) ellipse (1.7cm and 0.9cm);
\draw (2,3) ellipse (1.7cm and 0.9cm);

It looks like this:
enter image description here

I need to put a centered text in the ellipses and lines to each one. Can someone please tell me how to do it?

A huge thank you!

Best Answer

Solution 1 as asked in the first version of the OP:

I leave the fine tuning to you. Just adapt the height and width of the ellipses and set \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=xxx, row sep=xxx]... as you please. If you want to change the arrow heads, you will do some search on this site here. Plenty of help is given all over the place.

% arara: pdflatex


            ,minimum width=4cm
            ,minimum height=1cm
    \arrow[<->, bend right,start anchor=190,end anchor=170]{dd}{D} 
    &[-2cm] & \\
    & Disconfirmation \arrow{r}{C} & Satisfaction\\
    & &

enter image description here

Solution 2 as asked in version 3 of the OP:

% arara: pdflatex


                ,minimum width=4.5cm
                ,minimum height=1.5cm
            ,every arrow/.append style={-LaTeX, >=LaTeX}
            ,row sep=2cm
            ,column sep=2cm
            \arrow[<->, bend right=50,start anchor=185,end anchor=175]{dd}{D(+)} 
            &[-4cm] & \\
            & (Dis)confirmation \arrow{r}{C(+)} & Satisfaction\\
            \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}General\\ Performance\end{tabular}
            & &

enter image description here