[Tex/LaTex] How to align multiple lines on same indent

horizontal alignment

Desired effect is this:

enter image description here

But my document is this:

enter image description here

my code:

From paragraph 1: \\
\textbf{Q1}\quad The writer calls the advertising industry ‘universal’. What phrase is used later in the paragraph to echo this idea? \hfill [1] \\ \\
From paragraph 2: \\
\textbf{Q2}\quad (a) How do we realise early in the paragraph that the writer does not regard advertisements as simply ways of \textquoteleft{}relaying necessary information\textquoteright{}? \hfill [1] \\ \\
(b) The cafe owner \textquoteleft{}might be tempted\textquoteright{} to add to his advertisement. What does he hope to achieve by doing this? \hfill [1] \\ \\
(c) Explain \textbf{in your own words} why the writer feels that the world of advertising is such a dangerous place for ordinary people. \hfill [2] \\ \\
\textbf{Q3}\quad Why do you think that the writer finds it surprising that advertising methods are similar throughout the world? \hfill [1] \\ \

Best Answer

With the help of the enumitem package you can easily achieve what you want:



From paragraph 1:
\begin{enumerate}[label={\bfseries Q\arabic*},leftmargin=*]
  \item The writer calls the advertising industry ‘universal’. What phrase is used later in the paragraph to echo this idea? \hfill [1]
From paragraph 2:
\begin{enumerate}[label={\bfseries Q\arabic*},resume,leftmargin=*]
    \item How do we realise early in the paragraph that the writer does not regard advertisements as simply ways of \textquoteleft relaying necessary information\textquoteright ? \hfill [1]
    \item The cafe owner \textquoteleft might be tempted\textquoteright to add to his advertisement. What does he hope to achieve by doing this? \hfill [1]
    \item Explain \textbf{in your own words} why the writer feels that the world of advertising is such a dangerous place for ordinary people. \hfill [2]
  \item Why do you think that the writer finds it surprising that advertising methods are similar throughout the world? \hfill [1]

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