[Tex/LaTex] How to add Function body to Latex algorithm pseudocode


Does anyone know How to add Function body to Latex algorithm pseudocode?
Thanks in andvance!

Here is my code:

\usepackage[vlined, ruled, boxed]{algorithm2e}
 \KwData{model directory}
 \KwResult{multi-resolution model}
 enter directory\;
 geometrylist $\leftarrow$ search geometry files\;
 $np$ $\leftarrow$ number of total processes\;
 $ng$ $\leftarrow$ number of total geometry files\;
 \eIf{$ng < np$ and $processid < ng$}{
   sort geometrylist by file size\;
   \While{i*processid $<$ ng}{
  wait for all processes to end\;
        assembly each LOD geometry\;

The result:
enter image description here

What i want:
enter image description here

Best Answer

All you need is to create the block, which can be done using simply something like


to have ready to use arguments. Then, in your algorithm you would say, for example,

\Fn{BuildOLD (directory)}{

A complete example in which I also changed the fonts used to sans serif and the color of the rules so as to match the attached image for the desired result; of course, these changes are optional and can be safely removed.


%%% optional fonts and color configuration

%%% vertical rules in cyan color
\renewcommand{\algocf@Vline}[1]{%     no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them, 
  \strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
  \algocf@push{\skiprule}%        move to the right before the vertical rule
    \vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
      \vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}\bgroup\color{cyan}\Hlne\egroup}}\vskip\skiphlne% inside the block
  \algocf@pop{\skiprule}%\algocf@subskiptotal% restore indentation
  \nointerlineskip}% no vskip after
\renewcommand{\algocf@Vsline}[1]{%    no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them, 
  \strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
  \algocf@push{\skiprule}%        move to the right before the vertical rule
  \hbox{\bgroup\color{cyan}\vrule\egroup%               the vertical rule
    \vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
      \vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}}}% inside the block
  \algocf@pop{\skiprule}% restore indentation
%%% end of optional fonts and color configuration



\Fn{BuildOLD (directory)}{
 enter directory\;
 geometrylist $\leftarrow$ search geometry files\;
 $np$ $\leftarrow$ number of total processes\;
 $ng$ $\leftarrow$ number of total geometry files\;
 \eIf{$ng < np$ and $processid < ng$}{
   sort geometrylist by file size\;
   \While{i*processid $<$ ng}{
  wait for all processes to end\;
        assembly each LOD geometry\;


The result:

enter image description here

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