[Tex/LaTex] How to add comment in algorithm


How can I add comments in the following algorithm based on package algorithmic?


 \usepackage{ctable}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ctable
 \usepackage{color, colortbl}
 \usepackage{xcolor}                             % changed
 \usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell, multirow}% new

\usepackage{xcolor}                      % changed
\usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell, multirow}% new
\newcommand{\plusplus}{{+}{+}}% Other options: 
\caption{Step 2-N Propagation}


    \STATE boolean modified=true
    \STATE modified=false

    \FORALL{r in Requirements}   
    \FORALL{m in Methods}   

    \IF {m.trace[r]==E \AND  
        (m.interfaces.trace[r].AllNs()  \OR 
 m.implementations.trace[r].AllNs() \OR m.parents.trace[r].AllNs() \OR
    \STATE m.trace[r]=N
    \STATE modified=true


    \FORALL{r in Requirements}   
    \FORALL{m in Methods}   

    \IF {m.trace[r]==E \AND  
%   \STATE\proc{//All XCallers N}
    \STATE m.Trace[r]=N
    \STATE modified=true


    \FORALL{r in Requirements}   
    \FORALL{m in Methods}   

    \IF {m.trace[r]==E \AND  
%   \STATE\proc{//All XCallees N}
    \STATE m.trace[r]=N
    \STATE modified=true


I would like my algoritm to look like I would like to insert //Inheritance next to the \if statement. I would like to have my algorithm look like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Well, with your used packages you can use the command \COMMENT to add an comment to a line, if you want the comment to end on the right side use \hfill\COMMENT.

See an example here (please note that I minimalized your given algorithm and I reduced the called packages to that one needed for this issue):


\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % <==========================================


\caption{Step 2-N Propagation}

\STATE boolean modified=\TRUE          \hfill\COMMENT{this is a comment}
  \STATE modified=\FALSE
  \FORALL{r in Requirements}
    \FORALL{m in Methods}
      \IF {m.trace[r]==E \AND              \hfill\COMMENT{//Inheritance}
          (m.interfaces.trace[r].AllNs()  \OR 
           m.implementations.trace[r].AllNs() \OR m.parents.trace[r].AllNs() \OR
        \STATE m.trace[r]=N
        \STATE modified=\TRUE


and its result:

result one

Based on your shown image you can use package algorithmicx and algpseudocode to get something simular to your shown image.

See the new code


\usepackage{algorithmicx} % <===========================================
\usepackage{algpseudocode} % <==========================================

\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % <==========================================


  \caption{Step 2-N Propagation, Version 2}
  \begin{algorithmic}[1] % The number tells where the line numbering should start
    \State $modified \gets true$             \Comment{this is a comment}
    \While{$modified == true$}               \Comment{this is a comment}
      \State $modified \gets false$
      \For{$r \in Requirements$}
          \textbf{and} \hfill\Comment{//Inheritance} 
          \textbf{or} $m.implementations.trace[r].AllNs()$} 
          \State $m.trace[r] \gets N$
          \State $modified \gets true$

and its result:

result two

Please see the inserted comment with commands \hfill\Comment (red arrow, marked with 1) and see the different indention (red arrow 2). Please see that you have to rewrite the algorithmn completly for the second code! Please read the corresponding documentation with texdoc algorithmicx on your terminal ...

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