[Tex/LaTex] How to add a box in an electric circuit


I'm working in this ciruit:

enter image description here

I googled how to make a box like this (Load box) but I didn't find any similar example. What I found of more similar was to use a nport but with no examples. Does someone has one good example or know how to make this circuit above?

Here what I've done:

\usepackage{tikz}                           % for flowcharts

        \begin{circuitikz} [american voltages, baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
        \ctikzset { label/align = straight }
        \draw (0,0)
        to[V=$V_{Th}$] (0,2)
        to[R=$R_{Th}$] (2.5,2)
        to[short,i=$I$, -o] (4,2)
        to[short] (4.5,2)
        (0,0) to[short, -o] (4,0)
        to[short] (4.5,0);

enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on Harish Kumar's comment:


  \begin{circuitikz} [american voltages, baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
    \ctikzset { label/align = straight }
    \draw (0,0)
    to[V=$V_{Th}$] (0,2)
    to[R=$R_{Th}$] (2.5,2)
    to[short,i=$I$, -o] (4,2)
    to[short] (4.5,2)
    (0,0) to[short, -o] (4,0)
    to[short] (4.5,0);
    \node[draw,minimum width=2cm,minimum height=2.4cm,anchor=south west] at (4.5,-0.2){Load};

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