[Tex/LaTex] How change vertical space after head in theorem-like environment


Is it possible when defining either the style or declaring the "theorem" to change the vertical spacing after the head (not after the entire "theorem")?

I want to do this with appropriate setting(s) in the preamble, and not each time I invoke the environment. (Obviously I could do it manually each time I invoke the environment.)

In the docs for thmtools, I did not find a key to do that either for \declaretheoremstyle or \declaretheorem.




headfont=\bfseries, headpunct={}, numbered=no,
spaceabove=3\topsep, postheadspace=2em





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I do strongly prefer using the thmtools package method of styling and declaring theorem-like environments, because it seems to give greater control over them than amsthm alone.

Nonetheless, even the "raw" `amsthm" approach as shown, e.g., at Theoremstyle; leaving vertical space between the theorem header and the body of the theorem , merely moves the beginning of the "theorem" body so as to start on a new line; it doesn't seem to allow me to add extra vertical space:



\newtheoremstyle{exercises}% name
{\topsep}%Space above
{\topsep}%Space below
{\itshape}%Body font
{0pt}%Indent amount
{\bfseries}% Theorem head font
{}%Punctuation after theorem head
{\newline}%Space after theorem head
{}% theorem head specification





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Best Answer

Here you are: it was enough to consider the line break as a punctuation:



headpunct={\vspace{\topsep}\newline}, %
spaceabove=3\topsep, %
postheadspace=0 pt ]{exercs}





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