[Tex/LaTex] Horizontal line not working


I am trying to add a horizontal line in my document.

\Huge CV

For some reason, \line(1,0){250} will generate a line that is unequal on your document. What I mean is that the line will appear to be a lot longer on the right than the left. I am tryng to make it long and even. I also want to try to make it thicker if possible.

Best Answer

You could use the command


to get a line that spans the width of the text block. The following, very slight, modification of your MWE

\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text
\Huge CV
\lipsum[2] % generate a short paragraph of filler text


enter image description here

Interestingly, it does not appear to be necessary to place the \hrule (or equivalent) command inside the center environment.