[Tex/LaTex] Highlighting equation with arrow


I want to create an equation with highlighting as shown bellow.

desired format
But using following code:

\author{Apurba Paul}  
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[baseline,remember picture] \node (#1) {};} 
\tikzset{square arrow/.style={to path={-- ++(-10,-.25) -| (\tikztotarget)}}}  

  \tikz[remember picture]{\node(c){1'st part};}\qquad
  \tikz[remember picture]{\node(d){2'nd picture};}
  \tikz{\draw[->](a.south)to (c.north);}
  \tikz{\draw[->](b.south)to (d.north);}   

But I am getting this enter image description here

Best Answer

Add the options remember picture and overlay to the connecting drawing commands:

\author{Apurba Paul}  

\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[baseline,remember picture] \coordinate (#1) {};}

  square arrow/.style={
    to path={-- ++(-10,-.25) -| (\tikztotarget)}

  \tikz[remember picture]{\node(c){1'st part};}\qquad
  \tikz[remember picture]{\node(d){2'nd picture};}
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]{
    \draw[->] (a.south)++(.25em,-.3ex) to (c.north) ;
    \draw[->] (b.south)++(.25em,-.3ex) to (d.north) ;

enter image description here