[Tex/LaTex] Highlight parbox with frame


I have a little problem.
I use parbox and textblock to position my text in front of a more or less complicated background-image.

Now I would like to highlight my parboxes to see if all margins are set correctly. However, I still want to see the background through, only have a red (potentially dashed) frame around and, most importantly, I want to be able to switch this frame off with a command in the preamble without any movement of my content.

I tried fbox and fcolorbox and was in both cases not even able to achieve non-moving content – not speaking of the other things I would like to achieve.

Any ideas how to implement something like that?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Sorry about that. Here some example code



%% BACKGROUND  <<------ activate for actual background
%\newcommand{\topbar}{\draw[fill=dark, draw=none] (0,0) rectangle (216mm,-83mm);}
%\newcommand{\sidepanel}{\draw[fill=light, draw=none] (13mm,-23mm) rectangle (83mm,-280mm);}
%   \draw[fill=light, draw=none] (0mm,-303mm) rectangle (216mm,-290mm);%
%   \filldraw [fill=dark, draw=none] (184mm,-292.5mm)  coordinate (GeneralStart) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(+3.2,0) -- ++(0,-1.05) -- ++(-4.0,0) -- cycle;}
%   \AtBeginPage{%
%       \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%       \node[xshift=-108mm, yshift=151.5mm] at (current page.center)
%       {%
%           \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
%           #1
%           \end{tikzpicture}
%       };
%   \end{tikzpicture}


\newcommand{\lbox}[1]{\color{red}\fbox{ \normalcolor{#1}}}
%\renewcommand{\lbox}[1]{#1}  <<------- TOGGLE THIS


%\setbg{\topbar\sidepanel\footer} <<------ activate for actual background



Toggle the marked content. As you will see, the text shifts, unfortunately. The only thing I actually want is to see on paper where my parbox is. The text shall not react to the box.

Best Answer

You can add a frame around the content using the adjustbox package. All you need is to remove the extra space by a matching negative margin. So you need to use \adjustbox{cfbox=red, margin=-\fboxrule-\fboxsep}{...}. Check the adjustbox manual for details if you want to know more.



%% BACKGROUND  <<------ activate for actual background




\newcommand{\topbar}{\draw[fill=dark, draw=none] (0,0) rectangle (216mm,-83mm);}
\newcommand{\sidepanel}{\draw[fill=light, draw=none] (13mm,-23mm) rectangle (83mm,-280mm);}
   \draw[fill=light, draw=none] (0mm,-303mm) rectangle (216mm,-290mm);%
  \filldraw [fill=dark, draw=none] (184mm,-292.5mm)  coordinate (GeneralStart) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(+3.2,0) -- ++(0,-1.05) -- ++(-4.0,0) -- cycle;}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
       \node[xshift=-108mm, yshift=151.5mm] at (current page.center)
           \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%


\newcommand{\lbox}{\adjustbox{cfbox=red, margin=-\fboxrule-\fboxsep}}
%\renewcommand{\lbox}[1]{#1} % <<------- TOGGLE THIS

\setbg{\topbar\sidepanel\footer} %<<------ activate for actual background



PS: Also note the usage of an custom \if... switch. You should not use % to deactivate a large part of code.

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