[Tex/LaTex] Help with the creation of this special table


I will post down here the tableI need to create in LaTeX.

I actually have no clue with how to proceed. I only know basics tables codes.

Any help will be really appreciated!

P.s. I drew here a sample. I need actually more than three $\alpha$ cells and more than nine $t$ cells,but that won't be a problem of course: I will extend the code.

Thank you!!

enter image description here

About the size: I would like for the table to be quite large.

Not a landscape mode, but let's say $18$ cm in length. The height will depend upon how many $t$ and $\alpha$ I will put inside!

Best Answer

Taking partly into account an odd number of grouped rows, here a way, with multirow, array, caption and siunitx for the numbers alignment on the decimal dot in the last column.


\usepackage{multirow, array, caption}


  \sisetup{table-format =1.11, table-number-alignment=center}
  \caption{Title here}$ \begin{array}{|*{3}{c|}>{\color{red}}S|}%
  \multirow{9}{*}{$ \sum_k f(k, \alpha, t) $}
  & & t = 0.1 & 0.123456789 \\
  \cline{3-4}  %
  &  \alpha= 1  & t = 0.5 & 1.04400440\\
  &  & t = 0.9 & 2.71828182845 \\
  & &t = 0.1 & 0.123456789\\ %
  & \alpha=2  & t = 0.5 & 1.04400440\\
  &  & t = 0.9 & 2.71828182845 \\
  & &t = 0.1 &   \\
  &  \alpha=3  & t = 0.5 &  \\
  &  & t = 0.9 &  \\
  \end{array} $


enter image description here

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