[Tex/LaTex] Help to draw an arrow in TikZ


How to draw a red arrow to make it look like the rest of the arrows in the picture?
How to define the parameters for the red arrow: line thickness, width, start and end?
enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{calc, trees, positioning, arrows, shapes, shapes.multipart, shadows, matrix, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.pathmorphing}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0, transform shape, >=stealth', on grid, node distance=5.2em, ultra thick,
cyl1/.style={color=black, cylinder, draw, shape border rotate=90, aspect=0.15, text width=5.5em, minimum height=6.5em, minimum width=2em, align=center}]
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum height=14em, minimum width=7em, align=center](obj_u){\textbf{Xxxxxx}\\\textbf{xxxxxxxxxx}};
\node[cyl1, xshift=16.9em, yshift=4em, right=of obj_u](xfd){xxxx xxxx xxxx};
\node[cyl1, xshift=16.9em, yshift=-4em, right=of obj_u](xed){xxxx xxxx xxxx};
\node[single arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=10.5em, yshift=4em, rotate=0, minimum height=14em](potok1){xxxx xxxx\\xxxx xxxx};
\node[single arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=10.5em, yshift=-4em, rotate=0, minimum height=14em](potok2){xxxx xxxx\\xxxx xxxx};
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum height=14em, minimum width=4em, align=center, xshift=30em, right=of obj_u](glpr){\textbf{XXXX}};
\node[double arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=1.9em, rotate=0, minimum width=2.5em, right=of xfd](inf1){Xxxxxxxxxx};
\node[double arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=1.9em, rotate=0, minimum width=2.5em, right=of xed](inf2){Xxxxxxxxxx};
\draw[line width=2ex, -triangle 60, red, 
        postaction={draw, color=white,line width=1.5ex,shorten >=.25ex,shorten <=.5ex}]
        (glpr.north) -- ($(glpr.north) + (0,3em)$) -| (obj_u.north);


Best Answer

Is this what you are looking for:

\usetikzlibrary{calc, trees, positioning, arrows, shapes, shapes.multipart, shadows, matrix, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.pathmorphing}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0, transform shape, >=stealth', on grid, node distance=5.2em, ultra thick, cyl1/.style={color=black, cylinder, draw, shape border rotate=90, aspect=0.15, text width=5.5em, minimum height=6.5em, minimum width=2em, align=center}]
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum height=14em, minimum width=7em, align=center](obj_u){\textbf{Xxxxxx}\\\textbf{xxxxxxxxxx}};
\node[cyl1, xshift=16.9em, yshift=4em, right=of obj_u](xfd){xxxx xxxx xxxx};
\node[cyl1, xshift=16.9em, yshift=-4em, right=of obj_u](xed){xxxx xxxx xxxx};
\node[single arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=10.5em, yshift=4em, rotate=0, minimum height=14em](potok1){xxxx xxxx\\xxxx xxxx};
\node[single arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=10.5em, yshift=-4em, rotate=0, minimum height=14em](potok2){xxxx xxxx\\xxxx xxxx};
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum height=14em, minimum width=4em, align=center, xshift=30em, right=of obj_u](glpr){\textbf{XXXX}};
\node[double arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=1.9em, rotate=0, minimum width=2.5em, right=of xfd](inf1){Xxxxxxxxxx};
\node[double arrow, draw, align=center, xshift=1.9em, rotate=0, minimum width=2.5em, right=of xed](inf2){Xxxxxxxxxx};
\draw[line width=1.5ex,-triangle 60, red,
    postaction={draw,color=white,line width=0.01\linewidth,shorten >=.6ex,shorten <=.4ex}]
    (glpr.north) -- ($(glpr.north) + (0,4em)$) -| (obj_u.north);


and its output:

enter image description here