[Tex/LaTex] GUI for presentations


It could save lots of work if there was a graphical user interface (like in PowerPoint) to create presentations with beamer. Copy-pasting, or creating frames with mouse would be very convenient.

Currently, to keep readable code, I'm trying to wrap frames like this :

% ..

But it's still not very easy to copy-paste it every time. Maybe there are shortcuts/plugins for this?

P.S. I'm using MiKTeX and TeXstudio on a 64-bit Windows 7, but solutions for other platforms are also welcome.

Thanks for any help !

Best Answer

Inserting Standard Code Snippets

For inserting standard code snippets like code for a slide you can use Menu -> Macros. Below is an example for inserting a silde.

enter image description here

You can trigger it either by Menu -> Macros or by the shortcut (which can be modified in Options -> Shortcuts) or by using the trigger. The trigger is a regular expression. When typed into the editor the matched text is removed and the macro is executed.

Copying Slides

There's no native support for this in TeXstudio. However Idefix -> Prarenthesis -> Select Outer may be helpful. Just place your cursor at the start or end of the frame environment and trigger above commands. This selects the whole block, which can now be copied easily.

Moreover, you can a Script Macro to automate more complex task. For example, you could create a command to

  1. Find the next \begin{frame} before your cursor
  2. Select the environment
  3. Copy the selection to the clipboard