[Tex/LaTex] Grouped Bar Chart with logarithmic scale

bar chartpgfplotstikz-pgf

I am creating a grouped bar chart with logarithmic scale but I encountered some problems.
In the below picture you can see that the ticks on the x-scale are not positioned right. The beginning is correct, but "St.8" for example is too far left.

picture 1

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,onecolumn, openright]{report}



        width  = 0.9\textwidth,
        height = 8cm,
        bar width=4pt,      
        major x tick style = transparent,
        symbolic x coords={St.~1,St.~2,St.~3,St.~4,St.~5,St.~6,St.~7,St.~8},
        enlarge x limits=0.1,       
        xlabel={Stufe des Algorithmus}, 
        x label style={at={(axis description cs:0.5,-0.1)},anchor=north},
        ymin = 0,
        ybar = \pgflinewidth,   
        ymajorgrids = true,
        ylabel = {Anzahl},
        log basis y={10},
        legend cell align=left,
        legend style={
            anchor=south east,
            column sep=1ex

        \addplot[style={bblue,fill=bblue,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1, 1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99895) (St.~4, 99867)};   
        \addplot[style={rred,fill=rred,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99448) (St.~4, 99487)};
        \addplot[style={ggreen,fill=ggreen,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10) (St.~3,10) (St.~4, 10)};

        \addplot[style={bblue!50,fill=bblue!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,99810) (St.~6,99857) (St.~7, 80000) (St.~8, 40000)};
        \addplot[style={rred!50,fill=rred!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,99416) (St.~6,99463) (St.~7, 79685) (St.~8, 39842)};
        \addplot[style={ggreen!50,fill=ggreen!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,10) (St.~6,10) (St.~7, 10) (St.~8, 0)};



I tried rearranging the code for the plots and got a better result, but the bars are not grouped anymore. What can I do to keep the grouping and correct the x-axis?

% blue
\addplot[style={bblue,fill=bblue,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1, 1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99895) (St.~4, 99867)};   
\addplot[style={bblue!50,fill=bblue!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,99810) (St.~6,99857) (St.~7, 80000) (St.~8, 40000)};

% red
\addplot[style={rred,fill=rred,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99448) (St.~4, 99487)};
\addplot[style={rred!50,fill=rred!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,99416) (St.~6,99463) (St.~7, 79685) (St.~8, 39842)};

% green
\addplot[style={ggreen,fill=ggreen,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10) (St.~3,10) (St.~4, 10)};
\addplot[style={ggreen!50,fill=ggreen!50,mark=none}] coordinates {(St.~5,10) (St.~6,10) (St.~7, 10) (St.~8, 0)};

picture 2

Best Answer

So you would like to have something like the following?

% used PGFPlots v1.14
        bar width=4pt,
        % commented to see, if the result is correct
%        major x tick style=transparent,
        symbolic x coords={St.~1,St.~2,St.~3,St.~4,St.~5,St.~6,St.~7,St.~8},
        enlarge x limits=0.1,
        xlabel={Stufe des Algorithmus},
        x label style={at={(axis description cs:0.5,-0.1)},anchor=north},
        % changed from `\pgflinewidth' to 1 easier see that the result is correct
        % changed to 0 to make the computation of the shift easier
        legend cell align=left,
        legend style={
            anchor=south east,
            column sep=1ex
        % add a scope around the to shift bars
            % shift the bars accordingly
            % and just "fill" the bars
            % (to avoid overlapping of the more right bars to the more left ones)
            % your style could heavily be simplified to just providing the `+'
            % sign and the color as option
            \addplot+ [bblue]  coordinates
                {(St.~1, 1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99895) (St.~4, 99867)};
            \addplot+ [rred]   coordinates
                {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10006) (St.~3,99448) (St.~4, 99487)};
            \addplot+ [ggreen] coordinates
                {(St.~1,1) (St.~2,10) (St.~3,10) (St.~4, 10)};

            \addplot+ [bblue!50]  coordinates
                {(St.~5,99810) (St.~6,99857) (St.~7, 80000) (St.~8, 40000)};
            \addplot+ [rred!50]   coordinates
                {(St.~5,99416) (St.~6,99463) (St.~7, 79685) (St.~8, 39842)};
            \addplot+ [ggreen!50] coordinates
                {(St.~5,10) (St.~6,10) (St.~7, 10) (St.~8, 0)};


image showing the result of above code