[Tex/LaTex] good definition for highlighting PHP code in listings


Does someone have a good definition for highlighting PHP code with the listings package?

Best Answer

listings provides lots of options to color/customize the format of the style to your likings. Of course you should choose php as a language.

This may be a starting point:



  language        = php,
  basicstyle      = \small\ttfamily,
  keywordstyle    = \color{dkblue},
  stringstyle     = \color{red},
  identifierstyle = \color{dkgreen},
  commentstyle    = \color{gray},
  emph            =[1]{php},
  emphstyle       =[1]\color{black},
  emph            =[2]{if,and,or,else},
  emphstyle       =[2]\color{dkyellow}}


/* this is a stupid example */
$username = $_POST["username"];
$passwort = $_POST["passwort"];

$pass = md5($passwort);

// another comment
if($username=="Andavos" and
   echo "Herzlich Willkommen";
   echo "Login Fehlgeschlagen";


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