[Tex/LaTex] Generating a table but an error occurs


What is the most efficient way of getting the table at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_resistivity_and_conductivity#Resistivity_of_various_materials into LaTeX syntax?

I tried to get it in, and I get the following error:

LaTeX Error: Command \texttimes unavailable in enco
ding OT1.
l.84 Carbon (graphene) & 1×
                            10−8 \\ \hline

The table in question has this syntax:

%Fig xxxxx table of material resistivity
Material                        & $\rho \Omega  \dotsm$ m at 20 \si{\degreeCelsius}                                                    \\ \hline
Carbon (graphene) & 1×10−8 \\ \hline
Silver & 1.59×10−8 \\ \hline
Copper & 1.68×10−8 \\ \hline

Best Answer

Use the booktabs package to produce a high quality table and the siunitx package to format units and produce alignment in cells; a little example that gives you the necessary information to build your table:



\caption{material resistivity}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Material} 
  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$\rho\, $\si{(\ohm$\cdot$\meter) at 20 \si{\degreeCelsius} }} 
  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$\sigma\, $\si[per-mode=symbol]{(S\per\meter) at 20 \si{\degreeCelsius}}}
  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Temperature} \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries coefficient} \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{{\si{K^{-1}}}} \\
Silver & \num{1.59d-8} & \num{6.30d7} & \num{0.0038} \\
Carbon & \num{2.14d-7} & \num{8.24d6} & \num{0.0126} \\
Zinc & \num{1.26d-8} & \num{3.12d8} & \num{0.0672} \\


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