[Tex/LaTex] Generate Mandelbrot images using TikZ


In my thesis that I'm writing on, I'm using a Mandelbrot generator to test an application I've written. To explain a certain problem discussed in the report an actual generated image need to be included.

Since every figure in the report so far has been generated using TikZ, I'm wondering whether I could also generate the Mandelbrot image using TikZ. But would it possible?

Best Answer

There's a Mandelbrot set shading in the shadings library:

\tikz\shade[shading=Mandelbrot set] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);

Mandelbrot set

Displayed with the Acrobat Reader, as the TeXworks PDF previewer did not show high resolution.

The Mandelbrot set is computed and generated by the PDF renderer. The algorithm is written using PostScript commands, PDF supports a subset of Postscript operators, that's why it should be much faster than computing using higher level pgf or TikZ operators.

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