[Tex/LaTex] Formatting tabu table


For this MWE




% \newcolumntype Z{X[c]{%
%   S[group-four-digits=true,
%   round-mode=places,
%   round-precision=2,
%   round-integer-to-decimal=true,
%   per-mode=symbol]
%   }}


\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {ZZZZZZ}
\diagbox[width=8.5em]{method}{missing} & 0\% & 5\% & 10\% & 20\% & 50\% \\
KNN                     & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
MICE                    & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
SimpleFill              & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
SoftImpute              & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\


I would like the table to be like this:

  • the first column left aligned
  • the column headers to be center aligned
  • the body columns (0.123456) to be center aligned at the dot with siunitx
  • the second column should be half as wide as the following columns
  • the first column should be twice as wide as the later columns (and four times as wide as the second column). For that I had tried X[2] and X[0.5], but I don't manage to transfer this to the Z columns.

I tried two versions of the definition of Z, but it does not work. How do I do that?

Best Answer

Like this?

enter image description here

Edit: From given MWE I assumed, that the table had to have width of \textwidth and columns had to be in ratio 4:1:2. This can be achieved on two ways:

  • superimpose column type p{<width>} to S column type. This can be done by use of \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{<width>}{...} for column heaser. <width> is calculated from \textwidth considering width ratio of columns (first more complicated solution) with

    \newlength\colwidth <-- new length used for determining column widths \setlength\colwidth{\dimexpr0.077\linewidth-\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax} <-- calculation of base column width

    Base width is in p{<width>} multiplied according to desired ratio of columns widths

  • determine S columns width with option `table-column-width= where the base column width is calculated on the same way as above (second example)

First solution:



    table-format=1.2,% added
\newlength\colwidth% added
\setlength\colwidth{\dimexpr0.077\linewidth-\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}% added
\newcommand\mcp[2]{\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1\colwidth}}{#2}}% added

\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {p{4\colwidth} *{5}{Z}}% changed
\diagbox[width=4\colwidth]{method}{missing} % changed
                & \mcp{1}{0\%}
                      &\mcp{2}{5\%} & \mcp{2}{10\%} 
                                              & \mcp{2}{20\%} 
                                                          & \mcp{2}{50\%} \\ % changed
KNN             & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
MICE            & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
SimpleFill      & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\
SoftImpute      & 0.0 & 0.123456    & 0.123456 & 0.123456 & 0.123456 \\

Second solution, where had not be used tabu macro \rowfont[c]\bfseries due to incompatibility with S type headers and therefore columns headers are not in bold face:

enter image description here



\newlength\colwidth% added
\setlength\colwidth{\dimexpr0.077\linewidth-\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}% added

\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {X % changed
                            S[table-column-width=\colwidth,% added
                              table-format=1.1]% added
                       *{4}{S[table-column-width=2\colwidth,% added
                              table-format=1.2,% added
            & \SI{0}{\%} & \SI{5}{\%}  & \SI{10}{\%} & \SI{20}{\%} & \SI{50}{\%}  \\
KNN         &   0.0         &   0.123456    &   0.123456    &   0.123456    & 0.123456  \\
MICE        &   0.0         &   0.123456    &   0.123456    &   0.123456    & 0.123456  \\
SimpleFill  &   0.0         &   0.123456    &   0.123456    &   0.123456    & 0.123456  \\
SoftImpute  &   0.0         &   0.123456    &   0.123456    &   0.123456    & 0.123456  \\
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